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 There was once a rich man who was very selfish, stingy, boastful, stubborn, proud and wicked. He was a Christian, His name was John he liked to smoke, drink alcohol, lie, take hard drugs and do adultery; his friends used to tell him to stop his bad behavior that one day he will get into trouble. There was also a poor man who was very kind, helpful, gentle, loveable and cheerful. He was a Muslim, his name was Ibrahim he used to observe his daily salat, he fasts in the month of Ramadan, he does his zakat, he has faith in Allah, he obeys his parents and elderly people and performs hajj; his friends used to tell him good advice and that one day Allah will reward him with joy and happiness. One day the rich man met the poor man, the poor man started begging for money and the rich man didn’t give him any money and started abusing the poor man but the poor man didn’t fight with him but instead he talked to the rich man softly and said “Do not abuse your elders or else ALLAH will punish you”, while the rich man replied with ‘You this stupid man do not try to change me into your rubbish religion and rubbish GOD”, said  John walking away, then the next day, the rich man was lying that he had 65.7 million naira, in the night while he was sleeping ,some thieves came to his and looked for the money but they didn’t find the money , they then woke up John and asked him where he kept his money; john then told them that he was lying that he didn’t have any money with him . The thieves started beating him because he lied and because he lied, ALLAH made him a poor man while the poor man (Ibrahim) he used to abuse became rich which was his reward from ALLAH.

Glory be to Allah, The Almighty.

·         The moral lessons from the story is

·         Do not be boastful.

·         Do not lie.

·          Do not abuse your elders

·         Do not abuse other people’s religions and gods


The Gold

The discovery of gold in California in the nineteenth century caused an outbreak of a strange, new "disease" known as gold fever. People became so gripped by the lure of gold that they actually showed all symptoms of a fever - sleeplessness, restlessness and hot, nervous excitement, A side effect of this fever was doubling of the population. Of Califonia in a short space of time! One of those bitten by the gold bugs was a certain E.H. Hargreaves who travelled all of 6,500 kilometres from Australia

in search of Californian gold, unfortunately, he arrived too late. His journey was not a complete waste of effort, however, for Hargreaves spent the time in California studying the type of rock and landscape most likely to yield gold! Equipped with is knowledge, he returned to Australia in 1851 immediately announced to his friends that he was about to take a canoe down the Macquarie River in

search of gold. His friends just laughed and said he was mad. Nevertheless, the undaunted Hargreaves set off on his expedition, accompanied by a bushman named Lister. A long, difficult journey finally brought them to a small creek along the river, whereupon  Hargreaves suddenly had a strange overpowering feeling that there was no gold everywhere about them. When he told Lister, the bushman was convinced that  Hargreaves stopped down and dug up a handful of mud was full of glittering sparkling gold!

When the discovery was announced in the papers on the 15th May 1851, it caused an immediate outbreak of golf ever. Thousands upon thousands deserted their jobs and rushed to begin digging all over the countryside. Many were successful. One man dug up to 15 kilograms of gold in a single hour; another found a single nugget worth £12,000, a huge sum in those

days. It was Hargreave's turn to laugh now -all the way to the bank.

the story was written by Al-Hameen wuchichi

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